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Industries - ERP Software Dubai | Best ERP Software In UAE | #1 ERP DuTailor-made for every Construction Company to simplify their operations
Robot Kits Laser Cutters for STEAM Education | MakeblockMakeblock provides advanced coding robot kits, toys, software, xTool Laser cutters, and educational resources designed for K-12 and higher-level STEAM education.
RAMs App Software | Risk Assessment Software, Method Statement SoftwarRAMs Software. Risk Assessment Software, Method Statement Software, COSHH Assessments Software. RAMs App Safety Management.
Association for Computing MachineryACM, the world s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field s premier Digital Library and serves its me
Fast Billing Invoice and POS software GST | Best Billing SoftwareGet fast & free GST Billing Software for your business.Simple,Easily and Fastly manage multiple customer at once.Get free consultation, demos and price quote for billing software
FieldSoft Plus Service SoftwareFieldSoft Plus is a service software and field software designed to improve your work flow. Our software is designed for the service industry including HVAC, pluming, electrical, appliance, and other field based serv
Code of EthicsEthical and social computing are embodied in the ACM Code of Ethics. The core values expressed in the ACM Code inspire and guide computing professionals. The actions of computing professionals change the world, and the
Date Coder | PT Asia, Thailand | Chang Wat Samut PrakanPTAsia - coding marking, barcode, label applicator, laser marking, filling, packing, sealing and seal inspection systems installed in the THAILAND market. Covering food, frozen food, snack food, dairy, beverage, candy
CertifiredInspect fire doors, penetrations, walls and dampers, manage defects, create documentation, door schedules, penetration registers and baseline data with one app. Make inspections, defect management documentation sim
Sales and Service of Diagnostic Medical Equipment | Alpha Medical EquiAlpha Medical Equipment has been providing diagnostic radiology equipment sales and service to the medical community for nearly 50 years. Our products are continually ranked #1 by customers. We offer exceptional sales, s
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